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Showing posts with the label Frequency Channel

K-Drama frequency

               K-drama is a channel of cooperation between the State of Indonesia with korea, partnering in the form of the Indonesian side aired korean drama films that have passed the censorship and edited with the text of the Indonesian translation. In every Korean movie show that is usually not separated from the coordination of the Korean side, for the drama series both the title of the film and the time of both parties stay well coordinated.                For Korean drama lovers, every episode like their heartbeat can not be missed. Like cigarette addicts who do not escape to smoke cigarettes after a meal, as well as Korean movie lovers who can not be separated from watching the skin-skinned artists while playing them in a film that played. K-Drama is one channel located on a palapa D satellite with a degree of slope of 113o E. on ...

Frekwensi Beinsport 3

Frekwensi Beinsport 3 Bein Sport  adalah saluran olahraga global yang dimiliki oleh Qatari Sports Investments (afiliasi dari Al Jazeera Media Networks). Bein sport merupakan saluran tv satelit hasil kerjasama dari negara : Perancis AmerikaSerikat Indonesia Kanada HongKong Spanyol Dengan berbagai saluran olahraga- olahraga pilihan beinsport menjadi saluran olahraga terpopouler dan paling diminati, setiap live laga-laga big match baik itu liga inggris, spanyol, italy, jermany and etc selalu menjadi penaang nomor satu. Berbagai situs web sekarang sudah mulai bekerja sama dengan channel beinsport dengan menayangkan video streaming melalui web Beinsport Connect, sehingga pera penikmat olahraga bisa menonton di berbagai kesempatan melalui gadget/smart phone saja. Selain itu bisa melalui aplikasi/software yang bisa di download di Appstore maupun Playstore untuk menginstall software di smartphone. Channel Bein sport merupakan channel yang bukan termasuk Free To Air,...

Frequency Beinsport indonesia

Frequency Beinsport indonesia                Bein Sport is a global sports channel owned by Qatari Sports Investments (an affiliate of Al Jazeera Media Networks). Bein sport is a satellite tv channel the results of cooperation from the state: France United States of America Indonesia Canada HongKong Spanish With a variety of sports channels of choice Beinsport became the most popular sports channel and most popular, every live big-match matches both English, Spanish, italy, jermany and etc are always the number one pens. Various websites are now starting to work with beinsport channels by streaming streaming video through Beinsport Connect web, so sports viewers can watch on various occasions through gadgets / smart phones only. In addition it can be through applications / software that can be downloaded in Appstore and Playstore to install software on smartphone. Channel Bein sport is a cha...

Beinsport Information

Beinsport                Bein Sport is a global sports channel owned by Qatari Sports Investments (an affiliate of Al Jazeera Media Networks). Bein sport is a satellite tv channel the results of cooperation from the state: France United States of America Indonesia Canada HongKong Spanish With a variety of sports channels of choice Beinsport became the most popular sports channel and most popular, every live big-match matches both English, Spanish, italy, jermany and etc are always the number one pens. Various websites are now starting to work with beinsport channels by streaming streaming video through Beinsport Connect web, so sports viewers can watch on various occasions through gadgets / smart phones only. In addition it can be through applications / software that can be downloaded in Appstore and Playstore to install software on smartphone. Channel Bein sport is a channel that does not i...

Frequency satelite Apstar 6 C Band

Satelit Apstar 6 merupakan satelit di tahun 2005 dan hingga kini dapat di akses melalui tracking dengan parabola satelit. Cakupan area (beam satelit Apstar 6) meliputi hampir seluruh wilayah indonesia. Untuk tracking satelit yang optimal direkomendasikan menggunakan payung parabola dengan ukuran minimal 10 feet dan receiver HD. Channel-channel yang terdapat pada satelite  Apstar 6  ini ialah channel yang bersifat FTA (Free to Air) dapat diakses secara gratis melalui parabola. Untuk dapat tracking satelit  Apstar 6 , melalui parabola dengan specifikasi payung parabola minimal 8 feed, menggunakan LNB C-Band dan Digital HD ataupun Mpeg-4. Kemudian dengan arah payung parabola, pada derajat kemiringan 134  o  East. Untuk dapat menemukan channel pada satelit  Apstar 6 , dapat dilakukan melalui 2 cara mode scan, yakni mode scan auto atau mode scan manual. Untuk mode scan auto yakni masuk pada menu kemudian pilih Instalasi dan cari scan otomatis, terakhir pi...